In short: employees are Industry Email List also important stakeholders. That is why it is essential that leadership in the organization is focused on empathy. Transformational leadership is highly recommended for this. To Industry Email List work with this, it is important to apply a good balance between emotional and cognitive empathy. Using your feelers to sense what's going on and then apply cognitive empathy. Noort offers various options for working with this. For example, you will receive a piece of communication training in which Industry Email List laddering is recommended as a technique. Important tip : set a good example yourself! As a leader, you should never publicly criticize or condemn. And never complain.
Radiate energy, trust and Industry Email List calm and work with the two forms of empathy. It is recommended that you first discharge yourself properly during loaded meetings. So you can trade fresh and charged. 2. Reputation Lack of empathy is a major reputational risk for organizations and their directors and managers. Reputational and financial performance is a reflection of the quality of relationships, especially Industry Email List with customers, employees and shareholders. This relationship is mainly determined by the extent to which the organization that takes stakeholders seriously, deepens in their wishes and needs and Industry Email List then also meets them. Take ING for example. In 2009 they held 250 personal sessions with stakeholders to discover areas for improvement.
The products and services were Industry Email List adjusted on these points. Ten golden rules followed from this. The results quickly became visible: the stock market value grew by 13 billion in the year and ING rose no less than 17 places in the RepTrak ranking. Also read: B2B brands can also respond more to the emotion of the customer Industry Email List For a positive and strong reputation it is not only important that you do what you say and radiate reliability, but also that you are accessible. That you listen to what is going on, be transparent about Industry Email List what you do with it and provide feedback. Everything from a consistent goal: your purpose . 3. Purpose People's consciousness is growing.